

Hi, today I want to talk about the foosball. The foosball is an enjoyable sport, actually the people think that the foosball is not a sport, they say the foosball like a game that a sport, but the foosball is a sport like football, tennis, basketball, etc. Even the foosball has a world tournament. I like the foosball, because allow me to relax and rest. I remember the first time when I play it, I was a kid, I played with my father, and my father every time won, but in the secondary school I began to play with my friends, and this moments of game were very useful for my because I could practice and finally I could to win to my father. This year I participated in a tournament of the university, the “Juan Gomez Milla games”, I participated with a partner and we won, was a great moment, because the opponent were very gifted. The next year, I would like to participate in the “Lemon soda” tournament, it is a national tournament, and for this reason have a great level, I want to partici...


Hi, today I will speak about the eagle. The eagles are famous birds, they are associated with the majestic and the power, because is a powerful animal, they can raise prey more heavy that himself. The eagle has a great vision, and he used his vision when she hunts in his habitat the mountains. They are the longest–lived bird, the duration of their life’s achieve the 70 years. About this bird, I can say that I like the powerful of the eagle, or his majestic, however I like a fable about his longevity. The duration of their life’s achieve the 70 years, however this long life come with a great an important significate or necessity. When the eagles bring to the 40 years old, they have to choose between live or die, because his claws and beaks are very long, and for example his beak grown following the natural curve and finish in direction from himself, and his claws becomes flexibles, and can´t to hunt. For this reasons the eagle fly to the mountains and began a process of renovation, she...


Hi, today I will speak with you about a photograph that I like, I remember the day when this photograph was taken, this occasion, my father and me traveled to Icalma, in the South of Chile, nearby to the Andes mountains, we went there on winter, and for our surprise, Icalma was without snow. On this days, the weather was fantastic, because we can to walk and visit places that are covered by snow. In this occasion I take this photograph, because I was enchanted by this great landscape, this photograph I liked to show the great mountains without snow. I like this photograph, because this photograph reflects for my, the lacking moments, when I could to rest and enjoy a places, without worries. This is my photograph, it´s simple, but is very important for me, and have great memories.


Hi, today I will speak about the skill that I admire, I think that the most skill that I admire is the musical ability, when I speak about this, I am referring to the precision of the audition of the   professional musician, I think that this ability is developed during the musical career. This ability is used in the composition and the interpretation and implicates a great developed of the hearing, and in some cases the hearing can be a second sight. This ability has a great benefic in the live without music, for example, in my experience I know a musician that is bind, and he has developed his hearing to the point of understand the places and the space, and when I speak with him, it´s seem that he can see, and he install his musical instrument without help. In my personal situation, I don’t have this ability, but I am learning about music, and I hope to someday I can develop this ability, and level up in the music, and enjoy me playing music.

My dream job

Hi, I will speak about my dream job, I like the music, particularly I like the professional sound area, this is an interesting part in a concert and similar event, because I can to design and install, an audio system for this particular event. This is an outdoor job, because generally I need to design concert or events, in public places. Otherwise, if it’s a closed place, this job equals are an outdoor job, because we need to install the audio elements in the place, and this imply a physical job. In this job we need to travel a lot, because doesn’t exist a job in the same place, for example, an even of the same musical group, his next concert can be in other city or places in the city, and if we are employed to design the audio system for this group, we would have to travel to this city or place. The relationship with architecture is with the design, because I will can incorporate the factor of the audio in the design of the projects. In the future I would like have a specializa...


Hi, today I will speak about friends, I think that the friends are an important part of my live, because they are a great company in the happy moments, and obviously they are important in the sad and hard moments, I think that the friends are one part more in the family, because all these experiences that we have lived, allowing to know of a better form the other person, and this nearness make at the friend like a “brother”. However, all are a great or “beautiful” in the friendship, because in this experience that we lived, also we have fight, but this important in the friendship. In my live, I have lived very experience with my friends, but an experience that I remember is when I played a soccer match in the school, this day was a rainy day, and the field was very wet, and for this reason this match was very funny, because fall us by the wet floor, and we laugh about these fall, was a great time. Finally I can say that the friends are very important in my live.

My favorite technology

Hi, I on this day I will speak about of my favorite technology, I like to listen music, but I prefer to play music, in this sense my favorite technology is the headphones, I like the headphones, because it allows to listen music, however I want to speak about of the professional headphones. The difference between this professional headphones and the “normal” headphones, is the use, for example, the normal headphones had a configuration and material to listen music in mp3 format, on the other hand, the professional headphones had a great construction with great materials, because these headphones are used for the musician for the “monitoring in live”, and in this area, they need to have a great sound with a high definition and acoustic isolation, for listen the music that they with their instruments are playing. I like this technology, because I like to play with my friends, and I need my “sound”, however my experience has been incomplete, because I am learning how is the installati...