My favourite subject

My favourite subject in the university is workshop, worshop is a subject in architecture when we have to generate architectural proyects. This semester in workshop, I learn about live in three times, future, present and past.
1.- Live in the future, in this proyect I have to generate a solution of a future architectural problem, thinking about the possible proyect that would be in the future.
2.- Live in the past: In this proyect I have to generate a proyect in an abandoned mine, and with my group we proyected a thermal springs in those ruins.
3.- Lived in the present: Finally in this last proyect, I have to generate apartments and a square, in a ravine of the hills of Valparaiso city. Firstly I have to made a architectonical analysis of the place. Therefore I have to generate the proyect about those analysis.

I like workshop, because is an important subject in the career, and because this subject combine all the areas that I like, such as; Design, analysis, graphic representation, and finally the famous mockup.


  1. Hi, we have the same favorite subject, it must have been very entertaining project futuristic housing ideas :)


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