My experience
I think that this experiece is good, because I can learn english and speak more about me, this is important for me, because I am very discreet and I find it difficult to talk about me. During this time writing blogs, I have been able to improve my writing skills, not only linked to English, but also my ability to write in itself. However, the most important skill that a I have imrpoved, is the capacity of expresión in the sense of speak about me. In the future I would like to incorporate more specific topics,for example; “ Talk about your last job ” or “What was your best project at university?”, etc. Finally I would like to complement the blogs with videos. I would like to write of the topic of the recomendation, more specifically speaking, write about my recomendation for the postulants to the university about our careers. I think that this topic can be very interesant, because, we can think about our experience in our career, and to opposite this experience with the idea ...